We’ve Seen It All

At Gean Roofing, we’ve been in business for more than two and a half decades. That means that we’ve seen it all — everything from run-of-the-mill roof leaks to a kitchen sink being used a roof drain!
Our original “Lifetime Warranty Against Leaks” — which also covers repairs — began back in 1991. Since then, many have tried to copy our warranty and systems, but only we have the longevity to back it up. Many material suppliers refer our services to homeowners who experience issues with their roofs — even if we don’t have materials from that supplier. Why? Because they acknowledge our expertise and know that we’ll be able to give the customer the help that they need.
We’re regularly requested by insurance restoration companies to inspect and repair roof leaks created by subcontractors. In fact, many big box stores that have their own roofing departments refer Gean Roofing to customers rather than attempting to handle projects on their own. Additionally, insurance adjusters refer homeowners to our repair services. All of this just goes to show that we’re trusted by many different people for a variety of jobs.
Don’t settle for anything less than the best — it’s best to get it right the first time. Give us a call today at 1-574-291-7663 (ROOF), and look forward to having a roof over your head that can withstand all of the elements.